Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Heajoint Cork Maintenance

Although it is not visible on the outside, the headjoint cork is certainly an important component of the flute.
Flute Headjoint
Line indicates proper cork alignment

The cork serves to balance intonation between octaves on the flute and can cause problems if it is not fitting properly.  Because cork is a natural material, it can change over time - shrinking and deteriorating because of time and conditions.  If a flute is played frequently outdoors, the natural "wear" of the cork will be accelerated.  When the cork becomes worn, it will loosen within the headjoint.  The loose cork then prevents students from producing a full sound because air will begin to leak.  Proper position of the headjoint cork can be determined by using the flute tuning rod/swabstick marker, which should be in the middle of the embouchure hole.  Powell's repair technician, Rachel Baker, recommends having the headjoint cork replaced every other year - or more frequently for extensive playing outdoors.

Monday, April 16, 2012


Welcome to the Repair My Flute Blog.  We will be posting many articles on the topic of flute repair and hope that you will join in the discussion.  Our contributing repair technicians are ready for your questions and will share their tips for solving issues in the world of flute repair -- from the most complex to regular maintenance.  Thanks for stopping by, and we hope to see you again soon.